Tuesday 24 January 2012

The Year of the Dragon by Theodora Lau

At Sip Or Mix Towers we have all sorts of literature at our disposal. So, in honour of Chinese New Year 2012 - The Year of the Water Dragon, we found an old relevant book. The book in question was first printed in 1979 and was reprinted many times till this 1987 edition. This book is therefore from 25 years ago and it was first published 33 years ago. We raise these dates and numbers for a very good reason, this book is pre-internet...

It's quite spooky to read the following exact extracts from:





The opening page starts with this:

I am an unquenchable fire,
The center of all energy,
The stout heroic heart.
I am truth and light,
I hold power and glory in my sway.
My presence
Disperses dark clouds.
I have been chosen
To tame the Fates.


Well, fighting talk and we like it but none of us at Sip Or Mix Towers are Dragons. It's all about the Year of The Dragon and this is verbatim of what Theodora has to say:


A magnificent come back after the recuperative year of the Rabbit. We will throw caution to the four winds and roll up our sleeves for all sorts of grandiose, exhilarating, colossal, overambitious and daring projects. The indomitable spirit of the Dragon will inflate everything to larger than life size. Somehow we will find ourselves bubbling with excess energy. It will be wise not to overestimate ourselves or our potentials in this combustible year.

On the brighter side, business will be good and money can be generated or obtained easily. It is the time to ask your bank for a loan. Big spending and lavish plans are the rule of the day. The mighty Dragon sneers at the prudent and penny-pinching. He gambles for all or nothing. He will stimulate us to think and act big, even overstepping the bounds of caution.

Orientals (sic Chinese) consider this to be an auspicious year to get married, have children or start a new business, as the benevolent Dragon brings good fortune and happiness.

But caution is required, take nothing for granted, for both success and failures can bel be measured and magnified equally. (nb 1)

In the Dragon's year, fortunes as well as disaster will come in massive waves. This is a year marked by a lot of surprises and violent acts of nature. Tempers will flare the world over and everyone will be staging some real or imaginary revolt against restrictions.. The electric atmosphere created by the mighty Dragon will affect us, one and all.

Intersting stuff eh?.....


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